Academic Calendar todayMarch 2025dayweekmonthlistSunMonTueWedThuFriSat23Baseball Tournament (12:00 & 3:30)Softball Games (10:00, 12:00 & 2:00)Women's Wresting @ NCWWC Regional Tournament06:00 PMBaseball vs Mount St. Joseph+2 more24Hawks vs Hunger: Canned Food Competition for Greek Life (Jackson 209)12:00 AMPhi Mu Chapter Meeting (Wilson 208/209)01:00 AMAOII Chapter Meeting (Off Campus)*02:00 AMLambda Chi Alpha Chapter Meeting (Smith Recital Hall)04:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)06:00 PMMidterm Meditation Booth (Russell Dining Hall; Lobby)06:00 PMSewing Club Jewelry Booth (Russell Dining Hall; Lobby)06:30 PMPanhellenic Meeting (Stallworth Dining Hall)06:30 PMHistory Club Meeting (Flowers 201)10:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)10:30 PMFlag Football Meeting (Wilson 104)10:30 PMPresidential Fellows Meeting (Flowers 102)10:30 PMCeremonial Tree Planting (The Green)+11 more25Men's Basketball @ CCS Tournament (TBD)01:00 AMFaculty Recital (Ligon Chapel)01:00 AMSewing Club Meeting (Flowers 101)04:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)05:00 PMPie A Lambda Chi (The Green)06:00 PMSewing Club Jewelry Booth (Russell Dining Hall; Lobby)06:30 PMHonors Program colloquia (Flowers 217)06:30 PMLet's Talk Money (BSU)06:30 PMSGA Meeting (Stallworth Dining Room)09:00 PMBaseball vs Oglethorpe10:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)10:30 PMPresidential Fellows Meeting (Flowers 102)11:30 PMFootball Player Prayer Meeting (Stallworth Dining Hall)+12 more2612:00 AMFootball Player Prayer Meeting (Stallworth Dining Hall)02:30 AMTNW (Smith Recital Hall)04:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)06:00 PMSewing Club Jewelry Booth (Russell Dining Hall; Lobby)06:30 PMRefresh with Rho Chi (BSU)06:30 PMLoyola Society Meeting (Jackson Basement)09:00 PMJV Baseball vs JV LaGrange College (DH)10:00 PMMAT Department: Taco Mama Spirit Night (Off Campus)10:30 PMSoftball Team Meeting (Flowers 217)10:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)+9 more2712:00 AMJV Baseball vs JV LaGrange College (DH)12:00 AMMAT Department: Taco Mama Spirit Night (Off Campus)12:30 AMFiber Arts Workshop (Houghton Memorial Library)02:00 AMFraternity Chapter Meeting (Flowers B1)03:30 AMLambda Chi Alpha Study Sessions (Wilson 208/209)04:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)06:30 PMAKA Campus Clean Up 06:30 PMDonuts with LCA (Russell Dining Hall; foyer)06:30 PMGamma Chi Workshop (Stallworth Dining Room)06:30 PMChapel (Jean Rogers Prayer Chapel)10:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)+11 more28Baseball Tournament (12:00 & 3:30)Kingswood Tailgating (Baseball)Men's Wrestling @ NCAA Region 6 Championships01:30 AMSGA Poker Night (Wilson Gym)04:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)05:00 PMJob & Internship Fair (Wilson Gym)06:00 PMCKI: Archive Service Day (Houghton Memorial Library)+5 more1Baseball Tournament (11:00 & 2:30)Flag Football vs Life University & ASU (3 PM, 4PM & 5PM)Men's Wrestling @ NCAA Region 6 ChampionshipsScarlet & Gray Band: Drum Major Tryout Camp (Band Room & Ligon Chapel)Scarlet & Gray Majorette Competition (Roland Arena) 8:00 AM-8:00 PM+3 more2Baseball Tournament (12:00)03:00 PMMiss Huntingdon Practice (Ligon Chapel)08:00 PMFootball Position Meeting (Cloverdale 114, 117, 118, 119, 120 & 121)3Phi Mu: Toys for Kids! (Jackson 209)Men's Golf @ Savannah Invitational12:00 AMPhi Mu Chapter Meeting (Wilson 208/209)01:00 AMAOII Chapter Meeting (Off Campus)*02:00 AMLambda Chi Alpha Chapter Meeting (Smith Recital Hall)04:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)06:30 PMAccounting Club CPA Prep Luncheon (Wilson 208/209)06:30 PMNew Faculty Forum (Flowers 217)06:30 PMPanhellenic Meeting (Stallworth Dining Hall)06:30 PMHistory Club Meeting (Flowers 201)10:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)10:30 PMFlag Football (Wilson 104)10:30 PMPresidential Fellows Meeting (Flowers 102)11:30 PMFootball Position Meeting (Cloverdale 114, 117, 118, 119, 120 & 121)+12 more412:00 AMFootball Position Meeting (Cloverdale 114, 117, 118, 119, 120 & 121)12:00 AMMiss Huntingdon Practice (Ligon Chapel)01:00 AMMock Rock Practice (the Hut)01:30 AMCKI Executive Meeting (Smith 104)02:00 PMMontgomery Quarterback Club (Stallworth Dining Hall)03:30 PMSSPE 306: Adapted Physical Education Clinicals (Wilson Gym)*04:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)05:00 PMNational AT Month (Russell Dining Hall; Lobby)06:30 PMSGA Meeting (Stallworth Dining Room)06:30 PMUndergraduate Curriculum Committee (Flowers 218)07:00 PMRecital (Ligon Chapel)10:00 PMBaseball vs Eastern Mennonite10:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)10:30 PMFootball Position Meeting (Cloverdale 114, 117, 118, 119, 120 & 121)10:30 PMPresidential Fellows Meeting (Flowers 102)11:30 PMFootball Player Prayer Meeting (Stallworth Dining Hall)+16 more512:00 AMFootball Player Prayer Meeting (Stallworth Dining Hall)Kingswood Tailgating (Softball)12:00 AMMiss Huntingdon Practice (Ligon Chapel)01:00 AMMock Rock Practice (the Hut)02:30 AMTNW (Ligon Chapel)04:00 PMMGM Nutrition Truck (the Hut)04:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)06:30 PMFLI Etiquette Luncheon (Stallworth Dining Room)10:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)10:30 PMSenior Presidential Scholars Meeting (Smith Recital Hall)+9 more612:00 AMMiss Huntingdon Practice (Ligon Chapel)12:00 AMPresidential Scholars Community Engagement Meeting (Smith Recital Hall)12:30 AMFiber Arts Workshop (Houghton Memorial Library)01:00 AMMock Rock Practice (the Hut)02:00 AMFraternity Chapter Meeting (Flowers B1)03:30 AMLambda Chi Alpha Study Sessions (Wilson 208/209)04:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)05:00 PMSSPE 306: Adapted Physical Education Clinicals (Wilson Gym)*06:30 PMHonors Program colloquia (Flowers 217)06:30 PMFaculty Teaching Demonstration (Flowers 218)06:30 PMChapel (Jean Rogers Prayer Chapel)10:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)+11 more7Women's Wresting @ NCWWC National ChampionshipsBaseball Tournament (12:00 & 3:30)12:00 AMMiss Huntingdon Practice (Ligon Chapel)01:00 AMCharm Bracelet Making Sisterhood Event (Off Campus)*01:00 AMMock Rock Practice (the Hut)01:30 AMCircle K Meeting (Smith Recital Hall)02:00 PMSpecial Olympics Basketball Tournament (Roland Arena)02:30 PMFootball Position Meeting (Cloverdale 114, 117, 118, 119, 120 & 121)03:00 PMFaculty Meeting (Wilson 208/209)04:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)06:00 PMMiss Huntingdon Practice (Ligon Chapel)07:00 PMCKI Fellowship Friday Tie Dye (The Grove)09:00 PMMen's Tennis @ Piedmont University09:30 PMBaseball vs Brevard College09:30 PMHawks Who Teach Panel (Smith Recital Hall)11:30 PMPhi Mu Founder's Day Celebration (Off Campus)*+15 more8Baseball Tournament (12:00 & 3:30)12:00 AMPhi Mu Founder's Day Celebration (Off Campus)*Brass/Woodwind Symposium (Band Room & Smith Recital Hall)Flag Football @ Campbellsville University & Milligan UniversityMiss Huntingdon (Ligon Chapel)Phi Mu: Touring hospitals in Birmingham (Off Campus)01:00 AMXO/LCA Swap: Thrift Store Prom (Off Campus)*02:00 AMAOII Date Party (Seay Twins Art Gallery)05:00 PMMen's Tennis @ Truett McConnell09:30 PMBaseball vs Millsaps College+9 more9Men's Golf @ Invitational @ Forest CreekBaseball Tournament (12:00 & 3:30)06:00 PMAlabama Training Division (Charles Lee Field)08:30 PMBaseball vs MUW11:00 PMPhi Mu Chapter Meeting (Wilson 208/209)+3 more1012:00 AMPhi Mu Chapter Meeting (Wilson 208/209)Greek WeekGreek Week: Banners due @ 10AM (Jackson 209)Greek Week: Field Day @ 8 PM @ the ChuckGreek Week: Penny Wars (Jackson 209)12:00 AMAOII Chapter Meeting (Off Campus)*01:00 AMLambda Chi Alpha Chapter Meeting (Smith Recital Hall)03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)05:30 PMPanhellenic Meeting (Stallworth Dining Hall)05:30 PMHistory Club Meeting (Flowers 201)08:00 PMJV Baseball vs LBW CC (DH)09:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)09:30 PMPresidential Fellows Meeting (Flowers 102)10:30 PMFootball Position Meeting (Cloverdale 114, 117, 118, 119, 120 & 121)+13 more11Greek WeekGreek Week: Penny Wars (Jackson 209)12:30 AMCKI Executive Meeting (Smith 104)01:00 AMSAAC Meeting (Flowers 102)02:30 PMSSPE 306: Adapted Physical Education Clinicals (Wilson Gym)*03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)04:00 PMNational AT Month (Russell Dining Hall; Lobby)05:30 PMSGA Meeting (Stallworth Dining Room)09:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)09:30 PMFootball Position Meeting (Cloverdale 114, 117, 118, 119, 120 & 121)09:30 PMPresidential Fellows Meeting (Flowers 102)10:30 PMFootball Player Prayer Meeting (Stallworth Dining Hall)+10 more1201:30 AMTNW (Ligon Chapel)03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)05:30 PMLoyola Society Meeting (Jackson Basement)09:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)09:30 PMFlag Football (Wilson 104)09:30 PMThe Salon (Houghton Memorial Library; atrium)11:30 PMAOII Taco Bout Sisterhood (Off Campus)*11:30 PMFiber Arts Workshop (Houghton Memorial Library)+7 more1312:00 AMAOII Taco Bout Sisterhood (Off Campus)*12:00 AMFiber Arts Workshop (Houghton Memorial Library)High School Honor Band (Band Room & Roland Arena) 8:00-9:00 PM01:00 AMFraternity Chapter Meeting (Flowers B1)01:30 AMGreek Week: Mock Rock (Wilson Gym)02:30 AMLambda Chi Alpha Study Sessions (Wilson 208/209)03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)04:00 PMSSPE 306: Adapted Physical Education Clinicals (Wilson Gym)*05:15 PMCollegiate Exchange Membership Drive (Russell Dining Hall; foyer)05:30 PMGreek Week Awards (Ligon Chapel)05:30 PMFaculty Teaching Demonstration (Flowers 217)05:30 PMChapel (Jean Rogers Prayer Chapel)07:00 PMFlag Football @ Reinhardt College09:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)+13 more14High School Honor Band (Band Room & Roland Arena) 8:00-9:00 PMBaseball @ Covenant CollegeMen's Wrestling @ NCAA Individual ChampionshipsPhi Mu: Touring hospitals in Birmingham (Off Campus)12:00 AMLigon in Bloom (Ligon Hall)03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)06:00 PMGraduation Meeting (Flowers 101)+5 more15Men's Wrestling @ NCAA Division III ChampionshipsBaseball @ Covenant College12:00 AMArt Club: Scribble on a Scroll (Seay Twins Art Gallery)06:00 PMMen's Tennis vs LaGrange College 11:00 PMFlag Football vs Point University+4 more16Men's Wrestling @ NCAA Division III Championships11:00 PMFlag Football vs Point UniversityHigh School Lacrosse Games (Charles Lee Field)*11:00 PMPhi Mu Chapter Meeting (Wilson 208/209)+2 more1712:00 AMPhi Mu Chapter Meeting (Wilson 208/209)12:00 AMAOII Chapter Meeting (Off Campus)*01:00 AMLambda Chi Alpha Chapter Meeting (Smith Recital Hall)03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)05:30 PMPanhellenic Meeting (Stallworth Dining Hall)05:30 PMPSYC/CJUS Department Meeting (Flowers 218)08:00 PMJV Baseball vs Wallace-Selma CC (DH)09:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)09:30 PMFlag Football (Wilson 104)09:30 PMPresidential Fellows Meeting (Flowers 102)10:30 PMFootball Position Meeting (Cloverdale 114, 117, 118, 119, 120 & 121)+9 more1812:00 AMSewing Club Meeting (Flowers 101)03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)04:00 PMNational AT Month (Russell Dining Hall; Lobby)05:30 PMSGA Meeting (Stallworth Dining Room)05:30 PMUndergraduate Curriculum Committee (Flowers 218)06:00 PMBaseball vs UW-Whitewater09:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)09:30 PMPresidential Fellows Meeting (Flowers 102)10:30 PMFootball Position Meeting (Cloverdale 114, 117, 118, 119, 120 & 121)10:30 PMFootball Player Prayer Meeting (Stallworth Dining Hall)11:30 PMLibrary Mini Conference (Houghton Memorial Library; atrium)+9 more1912:00 AMLibrary Mini Conference (Houghton Memorial Library; atrium)12:00 AMPercussion Practice (Ligon Chapel )*01:30 AMTNW (Ligon Chapel)03:00 PMMGM Nutrition Truck (the Hut)03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)04:30 PMFLI Spring Fling (The Green)09:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)10:00 PMPercussion Practice (Ligon Chapel)+6 more2012:00 AMPercussion Practice (Ligon Chapel)01:00 AMFraternity Chapter Meeting (Flowers B1)02:30 AMLambda Chi Alpha Study Sessions (Wilson 208/209)03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)05:30 PMGamma Chi Workshop (Stallworth Dining Room)05:30 PMChapel (Jean Rogers Prayer Chapel)09:00 PMPercussion Practice (Ligon Chapel)09:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)+6 more21Men's Golf @ Jekyll Island Men's InvitationalSullivan Foundation SPARC Retreat (Flowers Hall; all rooms) 8:00 AM-6:00 PM12:00 AMPercussion Concert (Ligon Chapel)12:30 AMCircle K Meeting (Smith Recital Hall)01:30 PMFootball Position Meeting (Cloverdale 114, 117, 118, 119, 120 & 121)03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)+4 more22Women’s Wrestling Camp (Wilson Gym)05:00 PMBaseball vs Asbury College (DH)10:00 PMMen's Tennis @ Berea College+2 more23Men's Golf @ Jekyll Island Men's Invitational06:00 PMBaseball vs Asbury College11:00 PMPhi Mu Chapter Meeting (Wilson 208/209)24Spring Break/Offices Closed12:00 AMAOII Chapter Meeting (Off Campus)*12:00 AMPhi Mu Chapter Meeting (Wilson 208/209)01:00 AMLambda Chi Alpha Chapter Meeting (Smith Recital Hall)04:00 PMMen's Tennis @ Asbury University+3 more2508:00 PMMen's Tennis @ Johnson University262707:00 PMMen's Tennis @ Maryville College2811:00 PMBaseball vs Maryville College29Men's Wrestling @ NCAA Regional Flag Football @ Life University & FGC08:00 PMBaseball vs Maryville College+2 more30Men's Wrestling @ NCAA Regional 05:00 PMBaseball vs Maryville College11:00 PMPhi Mu Chapter Meeting (Wilson 208/209)3112:00 AMAOII Chapter Meeting (Off Campus)*12:00 AMPhi Mu Chapter Meeting (Wilson 208/209)01:00 AMLambda Chi Alpha Chapter Meeting (Smith Recital Hall)03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)05:15 PMMHS Collection Drive (Russell Dining Hall; foyer)05:30 PMPanhellenic Meeting (Stallworth Dining Hall)05:30 PMHistory Club Meeting (Flowers 201)09:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)09:30 PMPresidential Fellows Meeting (Flowers 102)+8 more102:30 PMSSPE 306: Adapted Physical Education Clinicals (Wilson Gym)*03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)05:15 PMMHS Collection Drive (Russell Dining Hall; foyer)05:30 PMSGA Meeting (Stallworth Dining Room)05:30 PMUndergraduate Curriculum Committee (Flowers 218)09:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)09:30 PMPresidential Fellows Meeting (Flowers 102)10:30 PMFootball Player Prayer Meeting (Stallworth Dining Hall)+6 more201:30 AMTNW (Ligon Chapel)03:00 PMMGM Nutrition Truck (the Hut)03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)05:15 PMMHS Collection Drive (Russell Dining Hall; foyer)05:30 PMFLI Special Topic Seminar (Stallworth Dining Room)05:30 PMPanhellenic Photoshoot (The Green)09:00 PMBaseball @ Oglethorpe University09:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)11:30 PMFiber Arts Workshop (Houghton Memorial Library)+7 more312:00 AMFiber Arts Workshop (Houghton Memorial Library)01:00 AMFraternity Chapter Meeting (Flowers B1)02:30 AMLambda Chi Alpha Study Sessions (Wilson 208/209)03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)04:00 PMSSPE 306: Adapted Physical Education Clinicals (Wilson Gym)*05:15 PMMHS Collection Drive (Russell Dining Hall; foyer)05:30 PMHonors Program colloquia (Flowers 217)05:30 PMChapel (Jean Rogers Prayer Chapel)09:30 PMDance Line Rehearsals (Seay Twins Art Gallery and/or The Hut)+7 more412:30 AMAOII Formal (Off Campus)*12:30 AMCircle K Meeting (Smith Recital Hall)01:30 AMMallard Ball (Top Stage)02:00 PMFootball Position Meeting (Cloverdale 114, 117, 118, 119, 120 & 121)03:30 PMProspective Football Student-Athletes (Ligon Chapel)07:00 PMMen's Tennis vs Covenant College08:00 PMCircle K Workshop (Smith 104)11:00 PMFellowship Friday Banquet (Stallworth Dining Room)+6 more512:00 AMFellowship Friday Banquet (Stallworth Dining Room)01:00 PMPresidential Scholars Day (Flowers Hall; entire building)03:00 PMLCA Pickleball Tournament (Off Campus)*03:00 PMAlumni Board Meeting (Stallworth Dining Room)10:00 PMMAT Department: Chipotle Spirit Night (Off Campus)+3 more